Deep Merging with the Divine


Deep Merging with the Divine: A Profound Journey into Cosmic Consciousness

This music supports deep meditation and experiencing Cosmic energies. Merging is a way of experiencing deeply within you the presence, consciousness and information on which you are focusing. The Divine Presences in this music are Cosmic energies and beings from Source. As a spiritual being yourself, you are deeply related to these Source Beings, consciousness and energies. Experiencing and integrating these in your human life is a profound, deep and important process. It supports your consciousness awakening and remembrance of who you really are in a unique way.



The energy of the music gradually expands from the presence of Spirit Family and Spirit Self to the New Earth consciousness. It develops further into profound Cosmic energies of Source: the Cosmic Heart, Body, Mind, Breath, Voice and the Pulse of creation. Merging with the energy of Divine Presence brings a deep Divine connection, love and protection. Intend to experience a transformational universal calibration through all these tracks supporting your awakening into your unique cosmic consciousness.

Music from Source is composed using the OMnium Method for consciousness expansion and connecting to Source. This music is for relaxation, healing, meditation, consciousness awakening, universal calibration and deep connection to your Higher Self, to Source and the Divine Guidance all at once.

To get the greatest benefit from this music, relax, inhale through the nose and out through your mouth and allow its multi-dimensional energy to support you in a completely new way each time you listen. Intend that Source energy flow through and around you, and ask for the angelic presence and the presence of pure Source energy for love, guidance, releasing, healing, awakening and connecting.


1 – Spirit Family 5:52

2 – Spirit Self 8:06

3 – Love of Creator 7:18

4 – New Earth 7:00

5 – Cosmic Heart 7:22

6 – Cosmic Body 2:30

7 – Cosmic Mind  5:14

8 – Cosmic Breath 7:56

9 – Voice of Creator 7:22

10 – Pulse of Creation 8:00

11 – Divine Presence 5:46


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