
This album embraces you with a deep presence of Unconditional Love energy from Source. Intend this flow to gracefully and gently uplift your human life and experience, open your self to a deep healing and consciousness expansion, integrating the Love form Source and Creator.


This album embraces you with a deep presence of Unconditional Love energy from Source. Intend this flow to gracefully and gently uplift your human life and experience, open your self to a deep healing and consciousness expansion integrating the Love form Source and Creator.

1 Relaxing. This opening part of the music supports you in a deep relaxing. By deep and slowly breathing – inhale through the nose and exhale trough the mouth – you can quiet your mind.

2 Purifying your Space and intending to receive unconditional Love. In this music the energy supports you in creating a sacred space and setting your intend to experience and receive Unconditional Love and integrate Universal Love completely. The music supports you in your intend of letting go of the fear of Love. It supports you in awakening to your true Divine Blue Print that is based on the principle of Love. Your True Essence is made of Love

3 Connecting with the Love of Creator at Source. Intend through this music to be connected to the Love at Source. Imagine that you are at the Source of this Universe, experiencing the Mind of Creator, which is Pure Unconditional Love. Ask to receive the Love of Creator at Source, Pure Love and to bring this energy and Consciousness to the earth. Intend for the earth to absorb this light and experiencing the reunion with the Love vibration that you brought from Source.

4 The Flow of Love Energy Through your Body. In this next part you are supported to integrate the Love energy from Source into your body. Feel how this Light and energy of Love from Source is coming through your head into your body. Your cells in your head start reawakening to it, because your cells contain the same Love energy. This flow goes slowly through your neck, shoulders, chest, stomach, back, lower back, flows through your legs and your feet into the earth. From the earth there is a new light from Source coming up through your feet and slowly filling your body. It flows gently out of your head connecting you all the way back to Source.

5 Connecting to the Earth and All of Humanity. In this part of the music you can intend to be connected with all of humanity and all life on the planet so that you can bring through you the Love energy to all live. Imagine that your heart is the heart of humanity. As you heal your own heart you heal the earth, humanity, the animal and plant life. Imagine that you have brought inside your heart the entire earth plane to heal. Intend that you are the instrument for healing this world at this time.

6 The Flow of Love for the Planet. Imagine a healing flow going through you, reaching all life on the planet. Experience a bright light in your heart, and intend the entire earth plane in your heart to be healed by this light. Intend to be the instrument for the earth to be healed at this moment. Ask and intend the music to support you in releasing blocks from your sub-consciousness mind and your consciousness and also in the collective. You can ask to release your believes that you shouldn’t receive this Love.

7 Healing Flow of Love for all of Humanity. In this part of the music you are supported to release deep human fears. For millennia humanity is in deep fear to receive unconditional Love and that is expressed in many misaligned beliefs about relationships and building a society based on Love and universal principles. The energy and consciousness in this music is supporting you in addressing these sub-conscious fears. Ask and intend to release your confusion about love. Be open to release your confusion about relationships and how love truly fits in. Intend your consciousness to open to the experience and understanding that the Universe is made with love and therefore it is very easy for love to surface again on the earth. It is very easy to focus on love; it is very easy for Love to prevail.

8 Unconditional Love for the Earth. In this track you are further supported in receiving Love. Imagine wrapping yourself around the earth and receiving very nurturing light. Everything you intend now is for the earth and yourself. This music is helping you in release deep sub-consciousness beliefs and destructive energies and replace them with pure love and bright healing light. Feel the energy of healing flowing through you and through the earth releasing negative energies and beliefs about self-healing and self-repair. Intend for the Love form Source to release sadness and bring in vitality and joy and an energy that nurtures all of life on the planet. Ask and intend to replace all misaligned beliefs and energies with a new belief that allows you to feel more, experience more the energy of creator, the energy of Source every moment of the day.

9. Awakening to your Essence – Pure Love. This last track opens you even deeper to the Love energy and flow from Source. Imagine a beam of light, hovering above you. As you begin to integrate this light into your body and energy intend it to start calibrating you. Ask to feel one with the earth in a complete new way. This new way of feeling connected to the earth is important because so you can reawaken the love formula in yourself because you have a human body, a human form. This new programming will allow you to be very integrated with the earth and helps you to reawaken. Towards the end of this music you can feel how every organ, blood cell, neuron, every atom absorbs this new light. Imagine that this light that was inside the beam is now inside your body. You are holding this very bright frequency of light inside your body. Intend that this light is awakening your Divine DNA. Imagine in each cell a tiny particle that is awakening and opening your original DNA, which is pure and Divine, it is LOVE. You are made with LOVE. Every cell in your body was made of the substance and the energy of Love.


  1. Relaxing      2:40
  2. Purifying your Space and Intending to Receive Unconditional Love        2:51
  3. Connecting with the Love of Creator at Source   6:06
  4. The Flow of Love Energy through the Body  4:12
  5. Connecting to the Earth and all of Humanity     2:03
  6. The Flow of Love for the Planet    6:14
  7. Healing Flow of Love for All of Humanity   8:16
  8. Unconditional Love for the Earth  6:56
  9. Awakening to Your Essence – Pure Love  17:52