
Absolutely exquisite “…I wanted to comment on the newest musical pieces you have added to the Music Library on OMnium Universe. They are absolutely exquisite!!!!! I love this entire collection so much.  This music heals and expands in such a beautiful way. Again, thank you so much for this gift of music and healing you are bringing to us all. I have been listening daily to this music of as part of my meditation practice. It truly adds to my vibrational level. I have had friends tell me that as they listen things are shifted within. You are helping many with this music…myself included. M”

The Best I ever heard “I really love the pieces on the OMnium site .. some of the best ambient music I have ever heard (i have a lot of it) GL”

Really quite extraordinary. “I just listened to your beautiful pieces of consciousness expanding music on the OMnium site…Really quite extraordinary. I was particularly moved and shifted by the Galactic one (with specific hertz)..and the Planetary/Zero Point piece. I actually felt myself move into perfect alignment with the Planetary piece and felt very peaceful when finished. I also have this experience with you and music that I had before, where i see and feel YOU and your energy in the music. I watch how your frequencies and Being are holding and delivering it in such a way of pure Love that it moves in effortlessly… LY”

Watch where the energy goes in my body “I am enjoying your music.  Very powerful, especially with headphones. It is fun to watch where the energy goes in my body. I was doing Zero Point planetary and had not really registered the subject when I watched the energy go to my physical energy zero point behind my navel and then to the core of the planet. Divine Mother zings my Zero point of Spirit Energy and goes everywhere. No surprise, just amusing to my human mind.  WO.”

Everything that doesn’t belong is blown out “Within seconds of plugging in loud speakers and playing the new Omnium Music (specifically OML-U2-Cleaning, Protection and Spirit Lineage Connection, it feels as if everything in my head and body that doesn’t belong is blown out, and cleared, and my vibration skyrockets! When I first played it, I had been battling what felt like massive attachment energy, both in my home space and energetically, and after a couple days of using this particular piece of music, the heavy dark persistent energy finally cleared away from my space and what replaced it was a feeling of enveloping Love, overwhelming support and floods of joy and light. I’m so happy to report that after weeks of struggling deep depression & confusing energy (which I see now wasn’t all mine), I’m finally back to feeling my own energy, and will use this music consistently to protect and clean my space daily.  I’m so grateful for these beautiful tools and the phenomenally talented Divine Beings that generously provide them~ xx JA”

I surround myself with it all day “I wanted to let you know I received the latest meditation music today – Receiving Clear Guidance, and it’s wonderful  I also wanted to comment on the earlier music –Releasing the Fear of Who You Really Are. It is Simply amazing and powerful. Wow…. I LOVE music—I always have. I surround myself with it all day. However, Your music embraces, heals and transforms me every time I listen–like no other. I listen to certain tracks every morning BEFORE I do my meditation. The tracks are usually Christ Presence, Divine Mother Merging and Expansion and then Universal Calibration. I then end my day listening to Divine Mother Merging and Expansion— pure heaven. Another thing I wanted to share with you is that I have a group of about 13 women that I lead every month. I begin our “gathering” with this Divine Music–Divine Mother Merging and Expansion—and then I create our sacred space and we begin our discussion. I have to tell you that the SOUND BATH of this beautiful music clears, raises their vibration as well as relaxes them in an unbelievable way. They are in complete Bliss!!!  It’s so wonderful!  This is SUCH an important way of using this music Frits. I am so excited to share with them how they can now purchase this music and assist in their awakening!MG”

I am immediately wrapped in loving light and shifted. “Thank you for your beautiful gift.  I enjoy the music daily, it’s so lovely.  It assists me in maintaining my connection and I play it throughout the day.  I find that when I am feeling lower vibrations I simply play a tune and I am immediately wrapped in loving light and shifted.  I am grateful and appreciate you and this amazing gift. MA”